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    vol.121:The Legendary Sword Onikirimarc

    At Kitano Tenmangu is currently holding a Kitano Tenmangu tour that will guide you around the precincts with explana?c

    • Event

    vol.123:Heian Jingu Shrine Free Publicc

    Heian Jingu Shrine, which was built to commemorate the 1100th anniversary of the Heian capital, has become an indisp?c

    • EventLocal

    vol.125:Priest Guides Kibune Shrine

    Kibune Shrine, located in the north of Kyoto City, has been worshiped as the god of the Mizukami Festival Palace sin?c

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    vol.128:KYOTO GRAPHI international phoc

    A photo festival that exhibits a variety of works by internationally renowned photographers at several locations in ?c

    • Event

    vol.129:Three Illumination Autumn Nighc

    Art Aquarium Castle-Kyoto Goldfish DanceThis fall, an event called "Art Aquarium Castle-Kyoto Goldfish Dance-" is be?c

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    vol.132:Special Autumn Visit, Ruriko-ic

    Kyoto is getting colder day by day.As we approach the end of November, we are finally in the season of autumn leaves?c

    • Event

    vol.134:The Autumn Leaves Hunting Nighc

    Kyoto is finally in the final stages of hunting for autumn leaves, but why don't you visit the "special night visit"?c

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    vol.135:Kyoto December Illuminations Ic

    Some of the illumination events that were held every year have been canceled this year to prevent the spread of infe?c

    • Event

    vol.136:Kyoto Tradition “Daikotac

    For the people of Kyoto, the December tradition is the daikon radish "Daikotaki".There is a theory, but it comes fro?c

    • Event

    vol.139:2021 Toka Ebisu in Kyoto

    Every year on January 10th and two days before and after that, a lively festival is held in the downtown area of ​​K?c

  1. Vol.181:Mimurotoji Temple


  2. Vol.180:Blue maple in Kyoto


  3. Vol.179:Uji City, associated with Murasaki Shikibu


  4. Vol.178:Weeping plum and camellia festival


  5. Vol.177:Zodiac tapestry
