What do you see while you strolling the temples or shrines?

In Kyoto, there are many temples along with thousands of Buddha statues. Each has its own status and facial expression, as well as a reason and a background for its form and figure. Simple knowledge can help you enjoy seeing during a Kyoto trip. Thus this time we’d like to tell you some tips to know the Buddha statue.

Basic Knowaledge

Have you been to Sanjusangendo Temple or Toji Temple? The buildings house so many types of Buddha statues that are spectacular. This is because Buddhism is a polytheism.
It’s similar to the eight million gods in Japan.

What do you think of when you think of the “Buddha statue”? I think you can see Buddha statues in a variety of shapes, from standing and sitting to colorful decorations and simple decorations. All of them can be roughly classified into 4 types. Please remember the four differences today.

I will explain from left to right.


Nyorai, tathagata, has the highest presence in the Buddha statue. Nyorai means “a person who has realized the truth” Sha-kyamuni / Buddha, Amitabha / Buddha of Infinite Light, Bhaisajyaguru / Medicine Buddha, and Maha-Vairocana are widely known. It often sits on a lotus throne. It is symmetrical, and its stable appearance is impressive.


The gorgeous decoration basically impresses Buddha who was a prince before reach the nirvana. Bodhisattva is a Buddhist personality that aims at enlightenment and helps people.
Sahasrabhuja and Maitreya are famous. There are many seated and standing figures, there may be more standing figures. It means to help people immediately. A soft smiling face offers you a peaceful feeling.


Dharmapala has a brilliant face. It is portrayed as a colored-skinned man with a fearsome appearance, a vertical third eye, and flaming wild hair that represents rage, lust, and passion. Its aim is to guide those who do not follow the teachings with a strict attitude. Known as Acala and Rāgarāja. In esoteric Buddhism, it is also thought that Maha-Vairocana itself has changed. It’s the nature of the person that I can’t control myself and get overwhelmed by anxiety, but I’m very grateful to be able to cut off such spoil.


The great thing about Buddhism is that it brings together other religions. Brahma is a god of Hinduism and Indian gods who have devoted themselves to Buddhism and is a guardian of Buddhism. Vaiśravaṇa and Saraswati are famous. These figures are often portrayed which trampling a small demon.

Toji Temple The Best

Toji temple, also known as the Gokokuji Temple, is a treasure trove of Buddhist statues. There are 21 Buddha statues in the auditorium of Toji Temple, but many of them are strange shapes, and you can find many discoveries when you take a closer look at the details. Buddha statues with many legs as well as hands and faces, and some with boots and buckles that look like beasts. The animals that each straddle are also lovely, so this is a must-see.

1, Kujo Cho, Minami Ku, Kyoto, 601-8473
A 10-minute walk from “Kyoto Station”
A 5-minute walk from “Toji” Sta. on the Kintetsu line
A short walk from “Toji Higashimon” bus stop
Gate/ 5:00~17:00
The Kondo, The Kdo/ 8:00~17:00
Treasure Hall/ 9:00~17:00
Admission ends thirty minutes before closing time
Admission Fee:

800 yen (Adult), 700 yen (Older than 15-year old ), 500 yen (Younger than 15-year old)

500 yen (Adult), 300 yen (Younger than 15-year old)

Let’s Find Your Favorite

There are 1700 temples in Kyoto, so you can meet many Buddhist statues. Not only the famous ones that are registered as the National treasures but also the lesser-known ones that are unique and fall in love with you at a glance. The nuances of the face will change even when the same Buddha was created, so be sure to find the best recommended Buddha statue.

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